Academy Information and Expectations
We, at Saucedo FC Academy, believe in the importance of player development. To help our players reach their potential, Saucedo FC Academy coaches combine technical skill-building, teaching of soccer tactics and strategy, physical conditioning, and healthy competitive mindset-building, all while having fun.
Our expectation is that players will commit for the year, as much as possible. While we can support players of other sports, we ask that soccer be a priority. We have outlined more specific coach, player, and parent expectations below. We believe that individual commitments to each of these principles will help Saucedo FC Academy fulfill its promise.
I will give as much time as possible
I will be prompt
I will stay late when a child is remaining
I will communicate consistently & clearly via phone or text
I will let you know what they need to improve on
I can’t make everyone happy, but I will strive to make the majority happy whenever possible
I will put the bigger team’s needs first
I will demand the best from everyone
I will make the team environment as safe as possible
I will represent the team responsibly
I will make decisions devoid of favoritism or nepotism
I will help your child meet his potential as a player and person
Make Saucedo FC Academy a priority.
May play for other teams if not a conflict with SFC schedule (SFC is the priority). Discuss additional soccer plans, games, and trainings with Martin).
Attendance is mandatory for all training/games/tournaments & events.
Tardiness at training/games is not acceptable.
Arrive on-time to team training and team-warmups for games/tournaments.
Being on the team constitutes playing in all games and tournaments the team is participating in, unless injured/sick or very advance notice has been given.
Prepare your own bag the night before training & games.
Come properly dressed with gear, tied cleats, backup uniforms/gear, drinks, sandals, etc. to training and games.
Come prepared to play and train, with a good attitude.
Try to use the restroom before training and games.
All additional technical or physical training programs/ camps/ academies/ classes and lessons are secondary to team training/ game/ tournament commitments.
Not mandatory, but all players/families are encouraged to do supplementary private training in their specific area of need (ie: GK, technical, speed/ agility). The coach can advise on specifics if asked.
Earn passing grades in all classes with attendance requirements met.
Always be respectful to all teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and parents.
Put team before self, always.
Never bully or harm another player purposefully.
Help a player that is hurt.
Be personally responsible for your actions.
Cheating is never OK nor an acceptable way to win
Everyone is a team ambassador – good sportsmanship on-the-field and off-the-field is mandatory.
Courteously say “Thank You” to team volunteers/ helpers, referees, coaches, opponents, and officials at the conclusion of any training, game, tournament, and team/ league events.
It’s the player’s responsibility (not parent) to communicate to the coach when they are injured and any issues they are having.
While the players cannot drive yet or do many of their responsibilities on their own, it is assumed the parents /families of the player will help facilitate them independently, and not rely only on other parents.
At times, ask others on the team for help if needed, but resolving time conflicts must be done independently long-term. Everyone must figure out how to “make it work” on their own.
Even if you disagree with the coach, always be civil.
We train and play in all types of weather conditions. Please be prepared, and help your player be ready for it.
We have little to no say in our schedules. You must manage your own schedule for trips, commitments, school, activities etc. to find the time to make this work.
Make sure to notify the coach/ tournament coordinator/ team manager well in advance if your player will not be able attend a game or tournament.
We are a small academy and play clubs that could have hundreds of comp players. Help from our existing families with recruiting quality players and committed families, when permissible, will help our team greatly.
Make sure the coach is there before you drop-off your player.
We start on-time. Please be there on-time.
Drop off at the time designated for arrival (games generally 45 mins early, 60 mins for tournaments, training 30 mins early)
Never leave young children at training or games unattended.
Be respectful of coaches' time and promptly pick-up your player at the end of training/games.
SFC has a “scholarship” fund to help cover expenses for players who are unable to pay the full fees. Please contact us for more information.
“They play. I coach. You cheer”
Cheer for the team, not individuals. Cheer effort and not results. This is proven to be better long-term for their success and growth as adults.
Mingle together and create a unified team front devoid of drama. Build up the team.
Don’t yell instructions to your player – it is a test, don’t give them the answers, let them figure it out or listen to the coach. All else just confuses and frustrates players.
Don’t embarrass your player and heckle/argue any calls or in general with referees. Even when you KNOW you are right. It never really works and often makes things worse.
Sportsmanship is taught by example. Children learn from us.
THE 24-HOUR RULE – is mandatory. Do not discuss with coaches for 24 hours the game/training that just occurred. After that period, if it is still important, let Coach Martin know.
Please DO NOT come over to the team bench for any reason unless requested by Martin or the team manager. That is our private area and time.
There are team seating guidelines we must adhere to in every competition we play. Sit/ stand together as a team at least 8 feet to the left of the center line and to the left-side of the team bench. If the setup is across the field, then stay on our team side, away from the other team’s parents.
Please follow all local jurisdiction, league, tournament, and team COVID-19 guidelines
Please watch and tend to your other children during the games.
Training is private time for the team to bond and grow. We welcome you to stay, but please watch from afar.
Before games and training, please do not kick balls at or with players, or join them on the field – this is their time together and the coaches are usually preparing.
Please do not enter the field during training unless it is vital or an emergency.
Always have your phone handy during team training in case you are needed or have a situation.
We will need volunteers – please be willing to help with team bench, tent, etc.
There are no favorites. Everyone gets treated equally and must be accountable.
Playing time and positions are based on ability, merit, hard work, attitude, team need, performance in training, etc.
Equal time is not guaranteed, but fair time is.
Soccer is one of the most team-oriented of sports. We need players to think collectively and self-sacrifice. The more each one gives back to the team, the stronger the team.
Instead of a parent asking about time or positions for their player, maybe have the player ask “Coach, I was wondering how I can help the team more?” and “Coach, what should I be working on at-home to improve or to become a desired position?”
Please feel free to reach out to the coach or team manager if you have questions on any of the above.
We will see you on the pitch!!